:hug: My mum just rang up school and said im not going in...I don't want to miss a day in the first week even though Ive only got one lesson 2day but the other day my teacher said I should go and stand outside the classroom to finish coughing as it was interrupting him when he was trying to teach
what what a cpomplete tool make sure you cough on the bastard and give him ya germans oh and go boil the kettle stick some whiskey and honey in a glass and pour the hot water in , not only will it make you fell warm inside but it will help you sleep . rrr bless ya little cotton socks
RE. Nasty Cough Get a cough medicine called pholcodeine, its specifically for the type of cough you've described, its available over the counter at chemists. It contains a heroin derivative (codeine), that supresses the coughing reflex. Its not addictive and it works wonders. Hope this helps
Re: Coughs Not being funny but u not think its off smoking? Everytime I go out round pubs/clubs what are full of smoke i have a shitty cough the next day
Re: Re: Coughs Probably but Bri this was to cure the cronic whooping cough not guessing how Ive got it I was thinking of getting Vix vapour rub and trying to clear it...does this stuff work?
I lay on the sofa for 6 hours today watching the full series of pride and predjudice....I love Mr Darcy! I want him to come and propose to me on horseback :cry2:
oh cant wait till it comes out at the flicks mr darcey well unforutnatley we aint got no chnace its only a story theres always hope though chick
Re: Re: Re: Coughs To cure it, stop smoking, thats what I meant Vix does help yeah - rub it on ur chest before u goto bed
Due to walking round in the rain for hours yesterday my cough has got worse feels like im swallowing razor blades :frown:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Coughs Yeah Im going to get some today...this cough is so bad im going to have to use the full tub *sigh* :cry2: