well i only seen 1 new person from here colin (Mr B) i no u already so u dont count and lee, i no u aswel ooohhh im spangled
sorry i didnt see any1 that looked like a black square wiv white writing, lol i duno wot u look like so how cud i? u shuda came n sed hiya to me
No i dont look like a black square with white writing on I saw you near the gas bar but you were with a few lads and i was heading towards spanglesville:spangled: I will defo say hello next time. You going on the 8th?
Well, I wake up in the morning, And the 'larm gives out a warning, And I don't think I'll ever make it on time. By the time I grab my books, And I give myself a look, I'm at the corner, just in time to see the bus fly by. It's all right, 'cos I'm Saved by the Bell. If the teacher pops a test, I know I'm in a mess, And my dog ate all my homework last night. Riding low in my chair, She won't know that I'm there, If I can hand it in tomorrow it'll be all right. It's all right, 'cos I'm Saved by the Bell.
haha lol, i was a lil spangled, but i had a blak top wiv a gap down the front WAS A CLASS NITE never managed to pull tho lol,
do people actually go to Promise to pull?it doesn't really seem like the type of place I would ever think of pulling tbh
Why not?In genreral the people are much sounder than in you beer boy pubs n clubs.Unless you wouldnt look to pull in pubs n clubs at all