Quitting Smoking How hard is it! I've got the patches but really struggling now, anyone got any other tips that can help me give up?
Ive been off them nearly a month now, didnt use anything such as patches as that makes you think about it more. I just stopped, decided that was it and so far, ive totally stuck to it
I should cos i dont smoke all that much, sad thing is when i was once wrecked somewhere it was when i started now when i go out n do whatever i cant touch them, sometimes the next day they nearly turn me over the edge
yeah i went cold turkey when i quit for a year but have started social smoking again none through the week the 30-50 a night at the weekend Want to quit again and am god damn gonna ! if I can do it for 5 days a week why not all the time ! there are no tips mate just make it your will power versus the nicotine and if you win then brilliant just dont sub a tab for food i put loads of weight on when i quit I need a tab its all got too much good luck !
I managed this for a month in january but thats because i didnt touch a drop of booze, soon as I had a drink I was smoking again
That's gonna be the worst thing for me, was in the voyager at dinnertime and really fancied a tab after me dinner.
You must be right next to me, i work at Beach Road As for smoking in pubs / clubs, totally agree. That was by far the hardest part for me, especially when djing 4 / 5 nights a week, but am past it now, purely to will power
Do you know Fidds Paul? I work with him, we have offices on beach road, you're probably in the same building.