wet dreams Stemming from natalies thread I've never had a wet dream I'm 21 so looks like i'm not having one.Am i missing much
i think all u hormonal boys need to go here........................... http://www.goodgreef.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=3 seems all the threads r bout this sort of stuff
I dont understand how anyone can enjoy a wet dream tho ?? "What did you do last night" "Ahh nowt a just stayed in n watched a DVD, i had a mint wet dream tho" Hmmmmmm....
people tend to get wet dreams when theyve either had no sex for so long the get a stiffi from going over a bumb in the road . or when theyve had a huge turn on that has passed but stuck with them in the back of there heads . Just cos you aint had one at 21 doesnt mean you wont have one just means your a bit different ! or a virgin
lee u just need to start having dirty dreams, lay off the sex, porn and wanking for a few weex and i bet u end up havin a wet dream