Scratching Im wanting to start to teach myself to scratch! What is the best DVD or other material to help show u EVERYthing?
I'm tring to learn how to sratch too, soon i'll be as fast as Eddie! I wish . . What needles/cartidges to you recommend using when sratching? I've only got Stanton 505's but am looking to upgrade.
Either Q-bert scratch dvd + decent mixer + m44-7's + a shit load of skills or 'aaa' sample efx / chopper function on djm mixer you choose.
Lock yourself in your room for the next 2 years and do nothing but wank and scratch records thats the only way to do it im afraid
Its easy. All you have to do is place your fingernails upon your skin then move them up and down (or in a circular motion if you wish) as fast as you like and hey presto, you can sratch.
got it thx guys! Now does any1 hav a suggestion on the best weapon for the job? I wud like a skip proof sample record with a locked groove on it as well if poss!?!?
nah m8 cos theres that many - all mainly vocals samples n bleeps n tones - trust me m8 they're the shit