Hungover bleeeurgh gotta be the longest one ever I have been bad since 3am this morning Just about to read my sent items *cringe* Apparently I was a little 'Tierd and Emotional' via text 'i luvejuie U sooi sik agen'
I thought I was Ok this morning Had x3 hash browns from MacD's, drove back to Toon and realised I was still far from on the level
Re: Hungover Noooooo those are the worst!!! Luckily Ive avoided sending such texts for a good six months + *phew*
I realised I was still pissed when I doubled over laughing at the huge blue shit I dropped in the pan that morning. I don't want to know what I was drinking...
Re: Re: Hungover aaahh he should be flattered man, not everyone gets declerations of love from a genuine drunken princess
I almost muttered the fatal words, 'I'll never drink again', then thought better of it. Was out with a Scotsman so should have known bad things would follow
When I first started drinking I used to wake up with a stinking hangover after 6 cans of Fosters and couldnt eat all day. Spent days at work running back and forth to the toilets to flush my insides out then all of a sudden I stopped getting hangovers. The more i drink now the longer I stay pissed for and I often wake up steaming
no no no they still loom in somewhere during the day! I had one of the worst ones Ive ever had yesterday even though I didn't drink THAT much...i felt terrible....I still feel a bit funny today
It's safe to say again i am rough as today at work I remem getting picked up from the local club after the match, that was after leaving me mam falling asleep in here chair pissed as owt - she still managed to order an idians tho Went into town anyways for Hed Kandi, actually did i just say that oopsie its "Tokyo Sessions" now n basically thats all i can remem... Long day ahead, luckily tho not both jobs