Personal statements argh i have to write a personal statement for an application form to get on a PGCE course next year!! Im stressed and it sounds shit!!
ive looked at loads of sites that give you help on the net but when im writing my own it sounds crap and in language that i wouldnt really use!
I do personal statements for peoples cvs everyday, if you wanna pm me what you would class as your qualities ill draft one up for you?
i know first hand what a pain the arse PCGE applications are, had to help my ex girlfriend with hers a couple of years back good luck!
also, im still unsure of which uni to put as my first choice. I want to saty in the NE. Was gonna put Durham as 1st choice and Newc as 2nd. But im not sure now :spangled: Newc is rated as a better uni than durham for PGCE's but durham is much nearer for me and still is a good uni. :spangled:
I am currently at Durham Uni and lived with 3 PGCE students last year. From what they say, I wouldnt recommend Durham uni. I do Social Work here and us and the PGCE students both whinge hartily about the state of our departments/library resources. Durham uni- in my opinion- is only interested in money, and we don't bring a lot of money in! However, Durham Uni lives off it's reputation, and you'll do well having such a 'good' uni on your CV. I'd go to Newcastle if I could choose again tho!