Sorry but this made me laugh lots!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Glitter Angel, Aug 4, 2002.

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  1. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    Sorry but this made me laugh lots!!!

    if you read Gurn you may have already seen it, but i know u people like tasteless sleazy things, so i thought this might make u giggle to chear u up on this boring boring sunday!!

    if u get offended by it, dont blame me, i didnt do it!!

    ok, so basically the back ground is a gurner was in a chat room talking to some american bird, and this is what he said.........

    (p.s KK is the gurner not the american bird)

    horny: asl?
    KK: 21/m/ny
    kk: and u???
    horny: just talk real quick then ill do u
    horny: while i finger myself
    kk: finger???
    horny: yeah
    kk: what like them biscuits u get?
    horny: no while i finger my ****
    kk: **** ??
    horny: c***
    kk: you'll have to give me another letter I'm crap at word games
    horny: my cunt ok?
    kk: oh i see
    horny: talk real quick while i finger myself and the I'll do u
    kk: aint fingering yourself a bit boring? u wanna get yourself a big dildo or something
    kk: or maybe a broom handle
    kk: but u gotta be careful of splinters *ouch*
    horny: my fingers are just fine
    horny: talk to me stud
    kk: ok
    horny: short and quick sentences
    kk: ok
    kk: hows the weather near u?
    kk: its shit here
    kk: raining
    kk: lots
    kk: quite heavily
    kk: should be sunny 2moro though
    kk: that quick enough????
    horny: no cyber
    horny: come on stud do it for me
    kk: cyber?
    kk: u mean like dress up in dayglo shit and glowstix?
    horny: what?
    kk: what's cyber?
    horny: u know where you have sex on the net
    kk: sex on the net?
    kk: i don't even know where you are
    horny: i'm in toronto
    kk: thats a bit far
    kk: my cock aint that big you know
    horny: you know cyber right?
    kk: if i did i wouldn't ask
    kk: explain and maybe i'll be able to help
    horny: you talk fast about sex and stuff
    horny: while i finger myself
    kk: nah your doing it all wrong
    kk: you dont wanna bother with fingers
    horny: why
    kk: just strum your love bean
    kk: it'll all be over quicker then
    horny: i don't want it to be quick
    kk: i do, i'll get typing cramp

    KK disconected due to shitty bt internet

    kk: back again
    horny: asl?
    kk: mustve made a lasting impression on u eh?
    horny: what?
    kk: we done this bit
    horny: oh yeah
    kk: so what u want me to say
    horny: you put your fat **** in my tight *****
    kk: fat fist into your tight mouth?????
    horny: nooooooooo
    kk: i told u i wasn't very good at word games
    horny: stop fuckin me about
    kk: ok sorry
    horny: just talk dirty and fast
    horny: while i finger myself
    horny: then i'll do the same to you while you jerk off
    kk: who says i wanna jerk off?
    kk: i'm at work you know, i may get strange looks
    kk: if i whack my cock out and and start "jerking off"
    horny: ok so dont jerk off
    kk: so what am i getting out of this
    kk: i feel like a cheap whore now :(
    horny: no don't
    kk: ok then here goes
    horny: good
    kk: are u wet for me?
    horny: oooooh yeahhhhh
    kk: how? i aint said shit yet!?!
    kk: right i put my fat **** into your tight *****
    horny: noooo be rude
    kk: thats what u told me to say!!!!!
    horny: u know what i mean
    kk: ok i put my cock in your cunt
    kk: hows that
    horny: mmmmm
    kk: good now we're getting somewhere
    horny: about time
    kk: if you don't like the wait i can take my services elsewhere
    kk: i dont just cyber with anyone u know
    kk: i put my hands on your tits
    kk: they're quite small aren't they?
    kk: u could get implants u know
    horny: thats horrible
    kk: I know... sorry and all that...
    horny: get back to the talk
    horny: stud
    kk: stud? i like that
    horny: talk
    kk: ok
    kk: i put my hands on your very small tits
    kk: and squeeze them
    kk: is that ok?
    horny: yeah, i need my hands now
    kk: what for?? the ironing??
    horny: no to finger myself
    kk: oh i see
    horny: so type real quick and short
    kk: i can't type quick
    horny: just type short stuff
    kk: what
    kk: like
    kk: this
    kk: ????
    horny: if you make me cum I'll do the same for you after
    kk: how am i gonna know when you've cum
    kk: your in toronto for fuck sake
    kk: and i'm not gonna hear u scream no matter how hard u cum
    kk: and how do i know u aint gonna go shopping or something and leave me typing all day?
    horny: are you gonna do this properly or not?
    kk: sorry no I gotta wash my hair
    horny: what
    kk: look sorry love u just aint my type
    horny: how do u know that u don't even know what i look like
    kk: yet your still willing to fuck me
    kk: I'm not 20/m/ny
    kk: I'm 52/f/london
    kk: u there?
    horny: your strange
    kk: hey i don't go begging for sex from strangers though
    horny: go away
    kk: okay bye
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Guest

    God how could u be bothered to read all that it goes on for ages. I read about half way down and I started gettin confused as to who was speakin (even though it had the name at the side) :confused:
  4. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    r u sure ure not blonde?
  5. Guest

    LOL - I don't think so :p
  6. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    i think you should check again hun!!
  7. Guest

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Cheeky fuck :eek: :p
  8. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    but im damn good at it ;)
  9. Godscrasher

    Godscrasher Registered User

    Mar 19, 2002
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    Thats funny as fukk that is...Is KK ket kid?

    funnyiest bit was "do you cyber" - "what you mean glowstix and that" lol nice work kez
  10. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Pink Heaven
    yup, KK would be ket kid but i didnt wana say that coz he aint promises favourite person!
  11. Guest

    lmao!:lol: :lol:
  12. Yoda

    Yoda Registered User

    Jul 2, 2002
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    he was well takin the piss...funny as fcuk
  13. Frankie

    Frankie Registered User

    Jan 7, 2002
    Likes Received:
    LOL how funny, thats cheered me up loads :groovy: :groovy:
  14. dj tino

    dj tino

    May 23, 2002
    Likes Received:
    haha, mint mint mint

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