Corrie on Friday Did anybody watch it? You know jason and his girlfriend off sure they were meant to be wrecked on it they went to this club and it shows them coming back after and Jason has this glowstick thing round his neck lol they were going "It was amazing the best night of my life" and Violet was like you looked like an angel across the dancefloor he was drinking a bottle of water and asked her for chewing gum then asked if she would scratch his head. When she told him something he went"I cant beleive you told me this when im off my head" do you think they were meant to have had a couple of cheeky doublers?
Or maybe because you would need to get physically greased and removed from your computer chair as youve probably moulded into it
i can see my tv form my computer chair, for some reason the tv turns over when corrie comes on what an amzing tv I have
Well thy werent really gurning I don't even know if they were meant to be wrecked but it seems the classic scene after some bon bons!
Re: Corrie on Friday yeah i noticed that!!! he was blantently off his twat wot nxt norris n roy shootin up in the rovers toilets lol
aye i watched it all the tell tale signs lol "your tell ing me this when im of my face "lol was funny to watch but my mum was there to like this is disgraceful yuong children watch this and there of there heads lol
me and richie were in disbelief as we watched corrie, it was the bet display of acting i have seen in a long time and they deserve oscars for that! corrie rocks!!! pill head clubbers, cause they were wrecked the were loved up to fuck, even jason was loving the homosexuals boyfriend he copped off with...... oh and..... GF - "what was that tune again, the one we said we'd never forget?" JASON - "dont know i've forgotten"
Re: Corrie on Friday yeah they were defos wrecked jess!! i found it really funny, totally shit acting btw!! the best thing ive sen is @is harry on the boat@ where him off hollyoaks (jambon) was off his napper, jaw swinging all over the place and the others dial was bouncing through the nightclub...they played it mint!! obvioulsly theyve been @to that place@ before!
nothing will beat Neighbours mushroom trip Eastenders with Martin dancing to the sound of the washing machine
simon and that other gay one used to love their pills too if i remember rightly (eastenders early 90's??)