Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use "She's done nothing wrong," "What she does in her private life should be her private life." "I think the media have got a lot to answer for. "We're talking about a woman who has never harmed anyone or hurt anyone and who has never pretended to be anyone she isn't." What a tit
i liked the bit where he said "these media types that are hounding kate, ive actually took cocaine with them"
Re: Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use not realy like fair do's she's in the public eye and should set a better example to up and coming younger models, but it is her private life at the end of the day and some prick forward'd the pics to the press i know i would hate for my name/picture to be in the papers for drug cosumption ya fuck id be in every week and if the truths known most celebrities indulge in a bit of drug taking they'll find some one else to pick on shortly
Fair play to Robbie Williams. It has got absolutely fuck all to do with anyone else. The British media is full of some massive coke heads.
Re: Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use Seems spot on to me. Does anyone out there with a life of their own really give a shit what she gets up to? She's a model, she does drugs (it appears). I was really shocked.
i wonder if there was a national survey , and everyone had to complete the questions truthfully like the census questions like , what drugs have you taken, in what quantitys?? i wonder how shocked everyone would be i would say almost everyone one i know, except the rents cos there sensible have partaken in a bit of classified drug taking i will go out on a limb and dare say there are more drug takers than non drug takers in this country???? or is that just silly
He is right really.Its been blew out of all proportion.She might be getting arrested for supplying cocaine cos she was seen knocking a lineup for pete what a crock of shit
Re: Re: Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use Dont you think as a role model to young girls across the globe she should not be seen taking a class a drug? Dont you think that is "doing something" wrong
Re: Re: Re: Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use when kate took the carrer path to be a model did she think that ten years down the line the ordinary,normal girl would have her every move documented and scrutinized by the whole world??????? perspective
Re: Re: Re: Robbie Williams verdict on Kate Moss's drug use In my opinion yes. She didn't do it in public. She has always kept her business to herself. It's the papers that have glamorised it, not her.
Speaking as a journalist, most of us barely earn enough to be Coca Cola heads, never mind the Devil's Dandruff However if anyone would like to support an up and coming young journo in living up to this sterotype, my Paypal account is open 24/7.
I think he's right in saying she's done nothing wrong. Lots of people take drugs of some sort and I think the fact that she's taken a bit of coke has been blown right out of proportion. So what? She's sniffed a bit of powder. It doesnt automatically turn her into a bad person. If only people would realise that the odd bit of drug use now and then isn't a life changing experience. To be honest, I think the way people are taught about drugs in schools etc is ridiculous. Anyone seen to have taken a drug is conjured into some nasty bastard who steals to feed an 'apparent' addiction with no respect towards the rest of the community they're living in. This is what first totally scared me away from trying any illegal substances but as soon as a few of my m8's had tried them I was like 'hey, all the stuff I've been taught has been a load of bollocks, my m8's aren't addicted to drugs and they haven't been totally transformed into a different kind of person'. I reckon if people were taught about this kind of thing properly, as in 'drugs such as cocain, ecstasy and canabis are almost as common as alcohol' then the general public who claim to be so clean of such acts wouldn't go shitting themselves over a stupid situation like this one. ps. Nothing I have said here is based on any facts.. just my general opinion