One Last Time! Been out for the match, had a few pints. Now the tunes are on (some right Promise classics), and im getting that feeling i used to get every Friday a few years back! Theres been that old 'buzz' on the board all week. Everyones out tonight virtually. Sad that its the last one, but lets go and have one last rave! Should be a special night. Guy knows Promise, he was a regular through the first 3 years or so, he should know how to finish it off properly. Hope i last till 4! Come on! ONE LAST TIME!
What he said. I've even got butterflys like I used to get, haven't had them for a while. I don't know what to wear though
i've got the classics on... smoggle may not be licking his ears tonight but its gonna be fun none the less!
Is that positive or negative? I'm well up for a bit of Air for Life or that luminary track, either of them come on I'll go mental!
Its an "I dont wanne be jumped on and wresteld to the floor" as for air for life anyone plays that an ill be taking a seat, wat a truly gash overrated tune!