do you put onion in the gravy!! if so i couldn't give a monkey's chucky what sort of mince it was, it could be from the bestest cow in the whole of the universe and i'd still rather eat glass dipped in shit.
i'm sure you are darling i just have very strong feelings when it comes to mince & onion & dumplings!
Well i went to the butchers... and got some mince, Saw uncle Ben for the Chilli sauce and some Mexican sorted me a nice bottle of Tobasco sauce aswell Found my self in the off licence on my way home buying some vodka and red bull too Rock on
Re: Tea Go for a few smaler portions like corn on the cob smotherd in butter followed by potatoe wedges and chicken wings with a salad platter ! haha you can tell am afetr a tex mex platter from weatherspoons like