Ladies Question of the Face Paint Variety Can anyone recommend a decent foundation? Nothing too heavy (don't want to show the wrinkles - sigh) Usually use Playtsicks by Benefit but Ebay is dry and I'm not paying £25 for one. Or..has anyone got some knock off Benefit?
i get 10% off benefit @ work if you'd like me to get it for you i love playstix too all benefit make up is gorgeous xxxx
ladies, let me introduce you to the world of mineral make-up. seach ebay for mineral foundation and you should find some, its a bit like sheer cover, which can be found here @ completely awesome. bought some of the mineral makeup off ebay, i can honestly say it is the best thing I have ever used on my skin. light, easy to wear and best of all because it has no shit in it you can wear it for aaaaages as it is made of minerals and actually good for your face. when i tried it i was a bit sceptical, it sounds more like a pile of bollocks than darude does but after reading some feedback on ebay it sounded good - so i gave it a shot. i did half my face and although i dont have a huge birth mark or pitted acne rash skin like on the advert but it evened everything out and made my skin flawless. all you gotta do is dab a nice big brush into the pot and work it into your skin in circles. the oil which comes out of your face and mixes with the makeup to make it feel lovely. i mist emphasise im not getting paid to say this i just love it so much wooh hoo enjoy another good'un is elizabeth arden flawless finish mousse - oop flooplecakes it smells and feels good - not as much coverage sometimes though, and can also look like you have put it on with a trowel in other cases.
I use clinique perfectly real make up tint...its really really nice doesnt look orange or streaky at all...think its about 18 pounds but very much worth it
thanks y'all people are killing each other on Ebay for the Sheer Cover so I might have to give that a whirl, cheers Luce! Sasha - if that doesn't work out I will see you for some Benefit thanking you OOhh I feel all warm and loved by your kind help (or could be the last stages of the weekend comedown)
I love ebay I have both made and spent a shite load on there, but you don't half bag some bargains... Cut price Touche Eclate and Beauty Flash Balm and mobile phone covers galore
go to ebay click on community then type in the name. CLick on the first member, then click on thier items for sale
tell me about it - i live and breathe ebay. boots-ebay tops-ebay paul frank-ebay bench-ebay belts-ebay real vintage jewelery-ebay organiser-ebay laptop accessories-ebay phones-ebay WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT EBAY!!!