Police who shot a man for carrying a chair leg face no charges Two policemen who shot a man in London carrying a table leg they mistook for a sawn-off shotgun will not be charged over his death. Police arrested Metropolitan officers Insp Neil Sharman and Pc Kevin Fagan in June in connection with the shooting of Harry Stanley, 46, in Hackney, in 1999. The Crown Prosecution Service said there was insufficient evidence to rebut the men's self-defence claims. ........... Who collects evidence? OH ITS THE PORKERS. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!
I can't make much of a judgement from that. It all depends on his behaviour at the time. If he was snooping around suspiciously and/or threatening the police, or refusing to put down his 'weapon' then it could have been mistaken for a gun. The police are only doing their job like the ones who shot the innocent terror suspect. On the otherhand if he was walking down the street minding his own business and got popped then that's bang out of order.
The original call from someone in the bar said he had a shotgun, he was given various warning before he was shot.
and if it turned out to be a shotgun and he shot someone while the police were making up their minds what would you say then ????? I was on Durham Police tactical firearms unit for many years, i went to a robbery where a bloke had 2 pieces of pipe in a plastic bag. If he pointed it at me or you i would have shot him, no questions asked...
but if it happened at sunny d it would be a god send i could think of a few poeple hat would be shot down if it was backin the day at crasher aswell
Get in. Something sensible in this world at last. personal feelings aside - i'm glad their not being punished for doing their job Just need to take out a few charvers, send out messages to everyone. that'll keep the peace.