We should have had a "lock-in" last night! 3am - and we were only just getting going. Blue Monday came on and it was all over FAR too soon! We should have had a "lock-in" until 6am I'm sure there's a legal loophole to licensing laws that say that you can have a private party to any time that you want as long as they are a) members b) no money is taken on the door and c) general public is not allowed in, i.e. the doors are locked. PROBLEM SOLVED - Make everyone a Private Member and have an all nighter!!
very true like, but i have to say every1 was just gettin going so another hour or two wouldnt have harmed i am sure!!!!!
Yeah but come on, you have to admit, last night finished FAR FAR too early. It shouldve been a 6am finish !
Sorry to put a dampner on ya like but........... I werent there last night - instead i went to Godskitchen to see Paul Van Dyk & Armin Van Buuren - there i was given a lesson n a half bout trance - they have a new resident too and he's canny good ! Van Dyk id say is there @ the top of me fave DJ's coz last nights set was simply awesome - banging/trancey etc etc - the blokes been @ the helm for that long and gets better and better ! PROMISE GET HIM BACK A.S.A.P IT MAKES SENSE !!!!
We could always go on longer but the bouncers couldn't. They always just come in even if the Dj is gonna play another tune and start pushin u out - Come on son it's fuckin finished