Rough as a badgers Getting too old for this going out shit. Feels like someone has taken a dump in my mouth.
Way aye. Went to shindig and stayed upsatirs all night for the guy from Sankeys (Tribal Sessions). I was busting some moves.
You were looking well fresh when I bumped into yous. Think that's the first time I have met you sober (ish)
I know when the lights come on I can usually see all the drinks Ive split down my in my wild hair usually looks simular to Mel B from the spice girl years
Yeah he uses Ableton live all the time now... He played across in Belfast for a m8 of mine and he was rocking apparently but looked quite bored with the PC and no decks
Was only about 4 beers into the night. I doubt i looked so fresh later. You have met me sober actually. Well, i assume you were sober when you came to football those times!
i forgot about that though i do remember i kept trying to dance like that goon who was at Promise 2 weeks ago and Shindig last week (the one Jess pushed over) pints of stella