who buys mixmag? im bored so thought i would start a really interesting thread of which users on this site buy mixmag? i do and bloody love it
I don't buy it, but we do get free copies of it at work so I usually read it and DJMag on my break if I'm bored.
i normally scan through the mag and if theres owt interesting in it ill buy it , its been shit of over a year now its gone right down hill !!
fairy nuff i only started buying it from last year , how good was it seeing chrissie in a cell in eastenders 2nite!!
I used to buy it all the time when I was at school. Also used to get Musik magaine but now I'm a uni student and can't afford to anymore
their attitude towards drugs when they started out is what made it special... the fact they didn't reinvent and became cliched is what is terrible about it now.
I bought last months, for the mylo cd and for a few of the articles which are 'sometimes' interesting. What i dont understand, is the kind of clubber they pitch themselves at. I mean the people on this board represent nearly all the ranges of the kind of people you see out in clubs from house fans, to the trance/hh/techno people on the harder end of the spectrum.... and NONE of them are anything like the kind of person they portray in these magazines. I think Mixmag is more a magazine for people who would like to think they are the type of clubber presented in that mag, than a magazine that actually has anything to do with real clubbing. Its more of a lads mag, with a clubbers edge to it these days than an actual music magazine.
i buy it nearly every month, granted the mag itself is a bit shoddy apart from the odd funny sentence but the cd's are usually top notch imo.
what is it's attitude? pro? i bought it once... for the Above and Beyond 'reach for the lasers' cover CD last year... i can't remember reading it mind....