Photoshop Help! Anyone know how to sort this for me... I have a road map as a .psd but I need to overlay (trace) it using the 'line' tool, then delete the original graphic map so it theres just the lines that I've drawn... i.e. so it looks like I've drawn the map myself/freehand.. Thought I could do this using one layer as the image and one (or several) layer as the lines, yet photoshop won't distinguish between the lines I draw and the image layer I have to delete... so when I delete the original map, the whole lot dissappear.. any suggestions? ta
Yeah make a new layer, do what you need to on it and delete the layer beneath with the original map on.
sorted that one out.. gave up when I acccidently changed the active layer halfway thru, from the overlay plan to the map image.. oops... now I need to know how to - a) draw the outline of a circle b) draw a dashed line c) draw a semi opaque coloured 'district' on my plan... struggling to understand how this can be so difficult?! nice to see my 3k tuition fee is well spent on library porters playing solitaire all day, yet when it comes to showing masters students the basics they couldn't give a hoot! :evil: scruf.
brilo pad head: for outlines/dashed lines/etc get hold of illustrator.. same again for opaque areas/etc.. vectors will turn out crisper.. see below.. (ps.. stop leaving loads of messages on msn eh?.. 'away' means what? )