was meant to be going with me mate but he decided to take his slut of 3 months with him!!! :evil: bit shitty considering how much i was there for him through his last break up.wanker *ps he comes on here n all , so if he see's this :upyours:
i thought he was mint me like, probably the best ive seen him was in total creases at some of the stuff he was on about, did longer than ive seen him in the past as well, was on for almost 3 hours defo getting the new dvd of this tour
he was good, i can't even remember any of his jokes but i'm always like that with comedians.. his laugh never got tiresome though
i used to think lee evans was funny as fuck, but i aint heard anything from him for ages, wouldn't mind watching some of his new stuff.
Seeing a comedian in somewhere like the Arena has no appeal to me.... Could you actually even see him?
Went to see Ross Noble last week at the Theatre Royal, really good venue for it, every seat was a decent one.