Debt? what do people without a morgage think is a reasonable amount of debt? as i'm constantly seeing programmes were people spending is way outa control..
if you've been a student then it's expected to be higher with about a 10k student loan and probz around 5-10k of debt?!? im lucky only got a student loan no overdraft and a 38k mortgage so not much for me
i ve got bout 10k, most of which is my car tho. hopefully that'll b paid off in 5yrs. plus im stil waiting on my whip lash claim so..... debts only bad if its on high interest credit card i'd say
I would say the amount of debt your in being a problem is what proportion of your gross salary it amounts to. My personal debts (last year of my student loan being paid off and a personal loan i had to take out a while back) is about 25% of what i make in a year, and the repayments on it (i dont have it whacked on credit cards - got rid of those) are about 15% of my salary each month after tax. For me - its not an issue.... but luckily i have no expensive mortgage to pay.
just a flat opposite gateshead stadium i havnt started paying back my student loan but im classed as self employed so it's easier to escape think im gunna make big lump payments soon though once my wage goes up
I have a 14k student loan which i'm paying back at about £30 a month Will be dead before i pay it all back lol!! Have also got 6.5k loan recently to cover all my credit card and overdraft debt!! Just tryin not to over spend agin though, I'm crap with money