I would like x-box 360 I want to get my 4 year old nephew something really class but i cant think of anthing but either a remote control toy (tyco shell shocker/boat/car) or a quad or a mini moto
Im getting my room re-done with new furniture & wardrobes, new layout and new TV so a very practical christmas for me I paid for the TV like
well ever since i turned 16 i really couldnt give two hoots about x mas thb!! but since you asked i would like a car, hopefully get my practical test b4 x mas?? scrooge has spoken
I would like a new CDJ and the insurance on my car payed for ... but I doubt I'll get anything near that
i would like some new clothes especially Diesel jeans as i can't afford them i want a surprise as have no idea really!! i love surprises!
Read the entire sentence, I said I wont get either. A box of chocolates and some smellies will be on the cards and thats at a push.