Does anyone know? if a person received a caution at 17 does it get wiped from there record when there 18?
A caution should never go against you for anything as far as i know. After all you were not charged it was just a warning.
but if im applying for the Navy? and they specifally ask if ive ever recevied one but if its been deleted it won't matter.. and thats what im trying to find out.
I got a caution for TWOC as a kid because i told the police i was sorry and that i was gonna join the army to keep me out of trouble - so recieved a caution. A few weeks later i applied for the army and didnt tell them about the caution because you don't have to and got in. You'll be reet
If they've specifically asked if she's got one though, then odds on they'll check. Technically a caution is wiped from your record when your 18, but in reality the police don't have the resources to cleanse all their data regularly enough, so odds on it'll still be on your record. I did a 6th form work experience with the crown prosecutuion sevrice when i was 18, and they did a criminal background check on me. Turned up a caution, i got dragged into a private office on my second day there and was asked to explain how/why/when i was cautioned. Nearly got kicked off the work experience.
Cautions are bullshit. they say it'd wiped and chan't be checked after 5 years or something... but it's bollocks. Paedos get their history removed, us minor offenders get it stuck around their neck for life. if they've asked for it, i'd put it down. better to be honest and have mentioned it. However, u know these places hardly check... it's the chance u take....
Can't remember who you should contact (I got Chief Inspector My Dad to remove mine), but if you make enquiries about it they have to tell you what information they store about you (unless it's contrary to the public good). It'll just take a bit of pestering on your part, and probably won't be done very quickly. Are you not a 'she'?
I wouldn't bother wasting the time to go down and speak to some eejit on the desk. Best off just giving them a call and asking about the exact procedure, beacuse odds on the request will have to be made formally in writing anyway. Or if you can't be arsed ringing them, have a look on here for more info.
just rang them spoke to sum lass, and she claims it'll be on there till next year as it was either till my 18th birthday or 5years which ever was longer. what to do? well there sending me summit out in the post.
My caution was from when i was about 12, so i didn't know about the 5yr rule. Sorry. If that's the case, i'd just stick with what MoS said and be honest about it. If it was minor enough for you to only have received a caution, am sure the navy won't be too bothered about it. Is there not a sailors-r-us hotline you can ring to ask?