Yes most trance is rubbish these days. But thats cos trance only really sounds good when youve necked a couple of Iain Dowies. Nowadays i dont do them, so all the trance sounds poop. Theres still loads of amazing stuff about. Just check Wax On's December listings, and then try telling me clubbing is dead. I cant wait for some of those!
Re: Re: Re: Re: ...... ohhhhhh!! oakey!! my god why did i not mention him before!! jesus christ than man has had me in tears he was that good!!! oh!! giving me goosebumps just thinking about it!! :angel:
Oakenfold at Sugar Shack back in 1998 - great memories ... The club shutting at 2.30 though - bad crack ... Having to wander around till 7am when the buses started up again - worse crack
Shields used to be class when Ocean was there I spent every weekend in there between 1999 - 2001 the tunes were amazing nothing else in shields even compares to that now. I hate Shields too.
I wasnt going to actually be arsed to reply cos its the same reply whenever this gets raised but fuck it im bored. You may think trance is dead blah blah blah....but what you notice is that whenever people say this its generally said by people who either have a different taste in music now and like different things or people who rarely go out. When you were going out and listening to trance every day you know the scene and tunes and so in effect know whats good and whats not and of course theres going to be some crap tunes but if your only going out every now and then then your not going to know this are you. Why is it that absolutly loads of people up and down the counrty and over the world all still love and listen to trance if its dead? The DJ mag polls a popularity contest like everyone argues all the time.....if it was dead then why would the poll be mainly made up of trance djs? Im not saying clubbing is more or any less fun than it used to be. Ive been out alot less than i used to this year but ive had some amazing nights some of which have pissed on ones ive had in previous years so it cant be that shit. Thats just my point of view anyways but im not really arsed about what you all think because truth be told imo there is some amazing trance about and always has been and im still going out having some quality night out with mates who all think the i couldnt care less if you think its shit and you have a shit night out and more fun at bars in town.
no way!! still lovin the scene at the mo,,GK=o'bir an armin were wkd the last promise Ornadel an Woods were abso amazin just u borin farts gettin to concerned about ur winter heating allowances Cry all u want,,,Dance music aint dying
Re: ...... People were saying the same thing when you thought it was at its peak and your opinion is completely subjective.
as i said if you'd have actually taken the time to read things properly - this is MY OPINION. actually forget that - its a fact - trance music these days is shit compared to how it used to be the trance crowd is MOSTLY full of charvers or gimps and the atmosphere is nee way as class as it once was. ur only saying this because u werent around in 99. ask anyone that was and they'll tell you that in terms of trance the scene is not as good as it was back then in terms of music, crowd and atmosphere.
Trance will never die.. It may loose popularity but then it will just be driven undeground where it began anyway.. Its a cycle..
Re: ...... I agree with some of your comments but I'd say it was probably 99-02 when it was at it's peak. As soon as trance began to rule the world all the labels caught on and used it to their benefit. As we all know it became a victim of it's own success but, even during it's peak, we began to see tunes being released that unltimately began to ruin the scene (Castles in the sky - 2001). Between 2003 and the beginning of 2005 it was all just cheesy commercial trance that was in the limelight. Now, thanks to funky house and R'n'B, trance is moving back underground and some excellent new dj's are being given their chance to play to crowds who appreciate their music (O'Bir for example) without feeling the need to jump on the bandwagon and play crap just because it got to No.3 in the charts. There's always going to be a certain style of music around that everybody and the grandmother wants to listen to. Just be grateful that isn't trance anymore and, hopefully, never will be. How is a style of music you used to love ever going to be as popular amongst the right sort of people if your now so quick to put it down and say it's dead. If it wasn't for trance half, if not all of the people on this board and I'm sure some of your closest friends, would not be together today.
but it was. ur just pissed off cos u obviously werent around to experience it. yeah granty ur rite 2003 was when it all started to go a bit shit
I'm sorry Rach, but to be honest it sounds like you havent got a clue what you are talking about. In fact everyone who has said that the music is crap now is simply talking rubbish. I grant you that trance nights in the North East are shit, promise was crap for the last 2 years and what else is there? Elsewhere there are some amazing nights!! Over the last year I have been to some absolutely amazing trance gigs, in London, New York, Sydney, Manchester, Leeds and elsewhere. I went to Wildschild reach for the Lazers in London a month ago and it was probably the best night of my life, and I would rate it musically and crowd wise far better than for example Godskitchen 5th Birthday at the telewest with Armin, Ferry, Tiesto etc, even though at the time that blew my mind. Musically trance is superb if you look in the right places, at wildchild I wandered round between 3 different trance rooms and I was actually torn between them all because where ever I went because there were just amaazing tunes being played everywhere. I was in absolute euphoria from about 11pm til 5am at night until the hard stuff came on and it was unbelievable. Oh, and by the way this is without the use of any drugs, all I have is a can or 2 of redbull to keep me awake til 6!! Trance music is lush at the moment, and then i go to a classics night or whack on a cd from back in the day and while the music is fantastic, id much rather be listening to the fresh stuff being produced at the moment which is fantastic. There is so much mint stuff being produced its awesome! As for the crowd, last night i went to a locally run trance night called out of the blue in Manchester and the crowd was well loved up and up for it! Made for a great atmosphere! And at wildchild at least 50% of people were in cyber and everyone was loving it! Was fantastic!! I saw Ferry Corsten a few months back at Turnmills and then a few months later saw PVD at the same place and each time the atmosphere was rocking! People were loving it and were very clued up about the music. Same when I was in Sydney/New York where I saw Armin both times, people were loving it. When you say that trance is dead, the music is $hit and the crowds are rubbish im afraid you have no clue about what you are talking about. Trance music gives me joy to listen to it everyday, whether it is from today, 2003 or 1999. I think in 2003/4 the production did take a little lul (although was still really good!) but now its right back to its best.