trapped wind what causes it and whats the best cure...every time i come to work i get it, im in agaony
Wouldn't it be nice if all that trapped wind magically cleared up transpiring to a massive fart making you follow through at work :sick:
Re: Re: trapped wind Would you want to sit next to someone rub their back ro relax them and inhale a massive fart for your trouble?
Re: Re: trapped wind i would not want to ask the people in my place of work to rub my back.... its bad enough sitting next to them
Re: trapped wind sounds to me like you hate your job and your body is taking the brunt of it!! every time you go to work??maybe you eat to quick in the morning???you have to sit down and eat as standing up/moving around is bad for you when eating.
Re: trapped wind A great big, ripping, stinking fart Can be induced by trying to retrieve a pen from under your I once learned