Surveying I'm considering this as a long-term career, even though i've never studied it before. I'm interested in most of parts of surveying but it seems like there's a very limited number of places that have suitable courses. Newcastle college hasn't got anything apart from an apprenticeship that requre's that you are already in a workplace. I phoned learndirect and they gave me details of a university in reading.. not really a great help considering i've never even done a college course yet. I also have 2 numbers for a home learning course but it's probably going to cost shit loads. I'm going to phone them in a few minutes. As a long shot I was wondering if anyone here has taken the surveying route. I'd appreciate any info on this as i'm sick of being a useless bum with no job prospects Cheers.
north east chamber of commerce were doing a modern apprenticeship in this i saw it on their site ages ago and now i cant find it. try googling
you could try the chamber of commerce in newcastle. i went their for an interview when i was 17 and they said surveying could be a career that i would suit and they would put me forward for interviews. I think it is one of those type of jobs were the learning needs to be hands on so an apprentiship sounds the best way forward. give it a crack anyway, what have you got to lose?
All I find on their website about apprenticeships is - over 25's
This is the website we use at work mate
Im doing a degree in building surveying at Northumbria, good course as it has something like a 98% employment rate if completed. Its 4years sandwich course where you do a placement in your third year. There is a foundation degree programme aswell for access onto the degree course if you dont have the grades.