5-a side Mackems vs. Geordies Although us mackems come very few upon this board i reckon its time we got a five-aside match 2getha??? what you reckon? any sunderland lads wanna show the geordies how it goes on on the pitch? and any geordies wanna beating step forward?
Im neither but if i tried to play football these days id have a heart attack. My knees also a bit fucked so that would probably go aswell.
Five-a-side fucks you just as much as a full game, if not more. You never stop running for the full 20mins flat out. When you walk of the pitch you look and feel like your heart is just about to pack in!
I didnt say i wasnt fit, fivea-side is intence but there isnt sliding tackles everywhere, its all about running round, and skill in a small space, the knee is perfectly capable of doing such an activity bud you fancy a game? what team?
"I bleed black and white" which makes it surprising I have not been taken for rigorous medical testing to date.
i dnt mind if people are geordies really, except for match days, i hate with a passion just one of those things really plus your a nice girl i wont hold it against you
i dont have nowt agaisnt geordies either. i mean i actually kock about with 'them' even if 'they' cramp my style. everyone should have a geordie mate...'they' make you look good