Bored Rivalry Why is it that there is actually some sort of rivalry between two boards? Doesnt anyone think this is really sad? The difference between two web addresses! And that if you are from one and not the other your automatically stereotyped? Really Silly!!! To be fair ~ were all just as sad as each other for even USING them in the first place BUT! just because we do doesnt mean that we have to assume the worst of people because they favour a difference board and group of other unknown people to talk to! Everyone is lost in a work of 'shrt txt', spam and emoticons :spangled: We're all extremely sad, but hey we love it, so why not enjoy it and stop thinking that board rivalry is something to get excited about:camp: ANYWAYS!!!! you can now either tell me to piss off OR fuckin get on with it!!!!
You're wrong. The problem is the 'craic' certain retards like ed binn spout is the reason we post on this board instead of the Goodgreef one.
and thats why your a very very sad person. Seriously, imagine going into bar, meeting a well fit bird and having a problem where you must tell at all times ~ 'so yea, well most of my time is spent on a discussion board, its great, we talk about going out, what were eating, funny things we got sent in email and oh yea we all get really riled up when we clash with other board members!!!! *snort* *laugh* *snort*. so, would you like to go out with me some.......................' shit she's gone