Nightmare! Went on the piss all day yesterday, and lost the keys for my flat. The spares were in the flat. My landlord's details were in the flat. Had to stay at my brothers house last night. Got a locksmith out this afternoon. £138. Just got back in an hour ago. Most expensive day/night out ive ever had!
I did that after the first creamfields, had to get my Dad to bust the door/lock in to my flat still totally wasted after 2-3 days of total madness. He wasn't best pleased.
glad i live with five other people, the chances of us all losing our keys in the same night is pretty slim. Hope i'm not jinxing it by saying that
Re: Nightmare! Oh dear!! I locked myself out once when i lived with my parents and they were on holiday! I stupidly picked the wrong key up and didnt realise till the front door had shut behind me.. I was off to the dig, my night was ruined thinking about how i was gonna get back in.... In the end, Matt through a brick through the kitchen window and climbed in, alarm was balring and not 1 neighbour checked to see what was going on!!! Ended up having to pay £40 for new window, then got sussed 6 weeks later when my dad went to paint the window frames and noticed the putty from the new window being put in
Would anybody believe i actually did it again last night? Sounds unlikely, but i did! Got back to my flat around 130 this morning, put my hand in my pocket, no fucking keys!!!!!!! Had my girlfriend with me this time, and all her stuff for work in the morning was in my flat. Total nightmare!!!!!!!! So i rang my brother again, arranged for us to stay on his floor. Taxi queues were the most horrendus ive ever seen!!. My brother then came and picked us up. Good of him at 2am, when he had had a couple of drinks too. Got up at 9, called a different locksmith (cos i was too embaressed to ring the same one). He came by 10, and was done in about 30 mins. £152 this time. I had never lost a set of keys in my life before Friday. Now ive lost two. What an expensive weekend. Anyway if id kicked the door in, it would have smashed the whole frame. Im gonna tie my keys to myself with some string i think.
You fucking numbnut Orbit! It's all this drinking, you never had this problem whislt entering the olympics every weekend! Get some spare keys cut and give them to your brother/mam/neighbour, etc, etc
Yeah im gonna give one key to my Mam. Thats what i said yesterday as i was leaving to go out last night. Said "il take the spare of these new keys round my Mams tomorrow". Sadly they didnt even last one night! Gonna take the spare round later today. Tbh Miller, i wasnt even that drunk, on either night.
Its awful when stuff like that happens once never mind twice! Remember losing my wallet on a night out. Frantically searching for it the morning after. I was lucky in this instance as I'd dropped it in the taxi and a young lad who got in after me took it home for safe keeping. I've no doubt that the taxi driver would not have done the same. Annoying thing was I'd cancelled all my cards and stuff before I got a phone call to say it was safe so had to do without any money while a new card was issued! Sorry to hear of your plight and what has turned into a very expensive weekend!!
just though of an amazin idea, put a magnet in your pocket that way your keys will less likely to gall out.......GENIUS THAT I AM
so uve waXED 250+ on gettin in2 ur own gaff thats a whitey mate last time i locked mesel out i tried to climb in thru me bedroom window,,,ended up in rake lane with a busted ankle me best mate, me neighbour an me stash in the garden all have a spare key now,,,,