Northumberland street Nah he'll get loads like! Clothes, Combi Tv/DVD/Video, his 1st two wheel bike and assorted 4 wheeled toys as he loves cars. Oh and a train set as he loves trains aswell
Everything, his grandma has just ordered him a bike!! Im getting him a leap frog and loads a other activity stuff...that makes loads a mess.... also kids dvds galore Did you say u had kids, how many? how old? what are they getting off santa? HOW MANY QUESTIONS
Life story,lol... I've got 3 children...boy /girl/boy 7yr/4yr/2yr old William /Marcia /Henry Playstation2 &t.v/ Anything to do with Barbie pegasus/ A motorbike. Can't wait
i dont have children, but im buying loadsa stuff for my little cousin! i love buying presents. getting him an awesome remote control car like!
Awww I don't have children but I have cats...we have them loads of little treats already and think we are getting them new beds that hang on the radiator so its warm for them My cat loves the lights too when its x mas and he climbs in the tree
We have about 3 of them scattered around the house! Our cats love them. Tiger, my big fat tom cat, is too big and he actually bends the metal!! We have to put 2 on top of each other to hold him!!