funny bits in films that you like Old skool, will ferril with dart in his neck, and stifler says 'you've got a fucking dart in your neck', in low pitched voice, has me in hysterics everytime i watch it what bits in films always make you laugh no matter how many times you watch them.
Re: funny bits in films that you like i usually disagree with you, but that is one of THE funniest bits in a film ever, so nice choice 'that shits not cool'
an oldie that comes to mind : Ghostbusters, near the end, in the appartment, after the 2 dog demons, heading for the roof, just b4 they see Zool : Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) "Hey, where do these stairs go?" Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) "They go up" classic dead pan bill murray....
Supertroopers - the whole 'freaking out the stoners' bit... driving off dead fast, reversing - absolute stitches
Human Traffic: The scene where Koop and Jip are in the car on their way out. "We'll do armed robbery, in Boots, on the comedown"
Happy Gilmore... Shooter McGavin - "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast" Happy Gilmore - "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast!?" Shooter McGavin - "No..." Awesome! The Old School bit with the dart had me pissing meself when I first watched it, had to rewind and watch again Cobra with Sylvester Stallone had the classic bit where a baddie is holding up a supermarket and has a bomb... Baddie - "I'll blow this fucking place up" Sly - "Go ahead, I don't shop here"
OLd School in the motel after they have been kicked out of college- the black lad saying his mum will kill him 'she said- i kill you- she even showed me the knife' the dream sequence in happy gilmore is awesome too the sex panther scene in anchorman is one of the funniest scenes i have ever seen 'i'll be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline'
yeh its class!!!just so funny! I found dodgeball hilarious too, can't remeber any specific bits though! Oh and in freddie got fingered where he's playing the keyboard with the sausages tied up everywhere!!! In fact freddie got fingered as well
Too many individual scenes in each film to list but The Pink Panther and Spaceballs always get me in stitches!