anyone bored? HI im boredshitless got nothing to do..... theres nothing on tv...and its too late to do anything....role on tomorrow for sunny d
most certainly was!!! very good night indeed, although im feeling it now!! need to get some sleep b4 sundis 2moro too!
me... im bored shitless!!!... thought right gonna have a weekend off the goin out/drinkin, coz im skint... and dont get enuff sleep otherwise... no im regrettin it... roll on next weekend!! and nother thing... only four workin days this week!! that means friday comes quicker sorted... yeah but im still bored now... was playin on dex... so missed most of american pie... gutted coz i really wanna see it again
aye me too never mind.....anyways im off to sleep now....goin to sundis tomorrow need to build up me energy used it all last night dancing at promise