Can anyone recommend a decent make cd-r .......

Discussion in 'Technology' started by fiddla, May 12, 2006.

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  1. yogi

    yogi Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    canada is on the horizon once more
    I've got a brand new 100 spindle of datawrite titantiums if anyone wants to make me an offer.
  2. stu

    stu Registered User

    Apr 20, 2004
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  3. Alexander

    Alexander Registered User

    Jun 12, 2002
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    you can get 90 minute cds now.
  4. Renzo


    Jan 29, 2004
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    Yeah i have the same problem with my numark axis 9, the music skips twice a track very frustrating, i firstly used the imation cds that are on offer at Morrisons then a friend recommended tesco own brand ones which to be honest were much worse. I use Roxio or itunes to burn, any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    imation are usually pretty. Any of the big brands - sony, verbatim, something like that - but the big thing - WRITE AT A SLOW SPEED if you're experiencing problems. 4x
  6. fiddla

    fiddla Retired

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Reclined with my feet up !

    mine are still jumping like and ive worked out how to get nero to burn at 4x in xp64 , got a stack of fairly decent cd-r's as well ( cant remember the make tho ) Could it just be nero ???

    Could it be the files im useing are dodgy in the 1st place ?? as the majority is off trancetraffic as i like to try b4 i buy if ya know wot i mean lol :wink: :lol:

    this happens in both my cdj1000's and if a cd skips/jumps its always in the same place on that particular cd :spangled: :cry:
  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    have u listened to that point in the MP3 on the PC to see if it jumps? it could have jumped if it was ripped from vinyl or as it was encoded. i could be nero i suppose, doesn't hurt to try something else to burn it - even if it's just Media player
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    is it an old writer?
  9. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    have u tried the disks in other CDJs?
  10. fiddla

    fiddla Retired

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Reclined with my feet up !
    nah , well maybe a year or 2 ish , its a pioneer dvd 108 i think , naah havent tried em in other cdjs , but the pair i have were bought seperate with a year gap between getting them , from the same shop tho and both mk2's , mind u retail bought cd's play no probs !!!

    mite give media player a shot just incase it is nero !!
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    is it EVERY disk u burn? do other tracks on the SAME CD play ok?


    1) check the MP3s, make sure they're ok - listen all the way thru make sure there's no skips

    2) try different software for burning - i can't see it being that - but u might as well cover every angle

    3) Get the MP3 on another machine with another writer, burn it there - make sure it's not like a buffer/hardware fault with the PC/OS/Writer

    did it do it b4 the upgrade to x64?
  12. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Here's one thats worth a shot :

    Some hardware/OS's have problems accessing IDE devices AND multitasking at the same time, writing to CDs/DVDs so they use DMA mode - there is a slower, more reliable mode but it means u can't do anything else on the machine at the time, called PIO mode.

    To set your writer to PIO mode, do this :

    My Computer > Device Manager > IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers - then select the channel the writer is on, and click Properties > Advanced Settings and change from DMA to PIO.

    Try again. Change it back afterwards as DMA is the better mode.

    worth a shot
  13. fiddla

    fiddla Retired

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Reclined with my feet up !
    Yeah its just about every cd i burn , some cd's with 3 or 4 tracks on only skip on some of the tracks not all of them , usually always the 1st track tho and mostly at the begining , which is really frustrating when ur trying to mix a track in lol !!

    Gonna have a listen thru the tracks that ive burned so far on the pc 2nite n see wot there like there , then if their ok gonna try media player to burn em and have another shot.

    Dunno about pre xp-64 as i was without home pc for a while and when i rebuilt i made a 64 bit system with xp64 from day one !!
  14. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    could be 64bit/hardware/OS issues - thats what i'd be unsure of - untested stuff that u're not sure if it's all proven to work together - could be that... easy way, stick a load of MP3s on a flash drive, go to a mates with XP and a different writer - try again... then take your writer - and try that - as many possible combinations to try tie down exactly what it is
  15. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    sounds like a lead in problem might be the buffer.

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