depends wot ur revising. if its sumthin like maths or sum kind of science ur best off finding loads of questions off the net and doing them until u no everything perfect. other subjects i dnt really no.
sort of maths its cashflow and forecasting as well as production methods and workplans Just wish the exam was over and done with
you will when its that or revision put some background music (barcore/loungecore) on an just sit in a room 1st going thru the theory then doing example q's... take a break every 40-60mins, go for a run or get some food or something...
Stay away from the computer today! Theres no set way of revising it more depends on the person. Im revising Hamlet today so summarising acts and scenes then watching some of the video which is really helping
1. Make a revision timetable 2. Wash up 3. Make something to eat 5. Watch tv 6. Re-do revision timetable 7. Tidy up 8. Clean room 9. Clean bathroom 10. Sort through random paperwork that's been building up for months 11. Re-do revision timetable 12. Sort out kitchen cupboards 13. Clean oven 14. Sort through old clothes 15. Re-do revision timetable 16. Watch tv 17. Clean windows etc etc.
My Revision timetable was much the same, but with 'Coffee break' and 'cig break' interspersed throughout too
i've done so much washing recently everything i own is now clean and i can't fit it all in my wardrobe! shows how much dirty laudry i've consistantly had for the last few months!
Not quite the same but for shorthand I just practised, practised and practised, repetition until I could see shorthand in my head when people spoke and write it in my sleep. For law I did loadsa past papers as questions are usually repeated at some point. And we all sat round and tested each other on points of law, sounds pretty sad but failing the exams and being on the dole would have been sadder.
i remember a time before this msg baord, i used to use the internet for alot more, now its just this site, porn msgr, pilfering films and the odd video on youtube