Top 100 DJ's For those of you that didn't know voting has begun! O O O what will peops be voting? Go to this link then follow instructions and have your vote!
well ben me and thee have already discussed our opinions on this one and for all those that dont already know tiesto= no1!!!
Mine are: Yoji Biomehanika Ali Wilson Illojik Lab 4 Mars n mystre doubt any of them will even make top 10... I think the top 10 will be: 1. Diggers 2. Sasha 3. Morillo 4. Tenaglia 5. Tiesto 6. Clarke 7. PVD 8. Picotto 9. Cox 10. Scott Project And the rough order will be Couple of Prog (sahsa n diggers anyway) Couple of Trance (Tiesto, AVB, PVD, Gielen) Techno... Clarke, Picotto, Liebing,.... Funky.... Morillo, Sanchez, Rampling, Yousef, Masters@Work,... Rest of Prog... Lawler, Warren, Seaman, Klienberg Hard Dance (House/Trance)... Lab 4, Lashes, Tissera, Halliwell, Project,... Trance... Hardwick, Bond, Signum, Dumonde,.... Everything else... breaks, drum n bass, garage, ip op, chill out, etc.
Sasha Carl Cox Seb Fontaine Erick Morillo Sonny Wharton "Who's Sonny Wharton?" I hear you all ask. Well, Sonny's a mate of a mate, whom I promised I would vote for him. Renaissance Ibiza resident all summer, did a guest slot on Annie Nihgtingale's Radio1 show a week or so back. Absolutely fantastic.
1. Norman Cook 2. Armand Van helden 3. Midfield General 4. DJ Touche 5. Tidy boys ????? think it was them cant remeber! Variation is the key!
i know half of these probs wont even get into the top ten n not many people wud agree wiv ma choice here cos not many of these dj's are renouned 4 their 'technical abilities' but this is who i've voted 4 anyways!! 1). Judge Jules!!! (of course!!) please dont ppl laff at me for putting him!! tis all a matter of opinion!!! 2).Sasha (hav never seen him in me life so mebbes im not in a position 2 put him as number one but from what i've heard of him this man is a genious!!) 3). Oakenfold (not too sure bout this one he seems to be excellent sumtimes n at others not so good but i've put him at number 2 anyways!!) 3). Eddie Halliwell 5). PVD xxxx
i was totally gonna put him at number one but i thought everyone would start laffing at me n start tellin me i was stupid!! god i feel quite guilty 4 not puttin him at number one i'll be allowed to vote twice wont i?? actually i mite rigg the vote n vote 4 him millions of times so he'll win!! im gonna change it n vote 4 him again i reeli am!! in my opinion he's the bestest dj in the whole wide world but i thought ppl wud think i was stupid if i put him above the likes of sasha!! im off to vote again n edit ma post!! xxxx