Fucking barclays In the last 3 months I've been getting into hundreds of quid worth of debt due to cheques bouncing and £30 fines added to everything. Barclays told me prior to all of this that I wasn't allowed a credit card or an overdraft of any kind whatsoever because in the past I'd been in the -£'s a few times so my credit rating obviously wasn't good enough. So, after borrowing money left right and centre in a struggle (as a student) to pay back my debt and getting very pissed off/sick of the bank phoning me to remind me that i have to pay them back £50 each week, I'm now at -£13.61. Well would you believe it. They've automatically given me an overdraft of £40 and now I've just opened a letter from Barclays offering me a stinking credit card. So I can't get any financial aid when I'm not in debt - but need it, yet when i am in debt they're willing to offer me everything they have with a free pair of golden underpants. What's the crack?
Yeah I'm on the start line with my blocks and spikes here. Just waiting to get into the +£'s before doing anything.
bad idea... especially when drunk I asked for £15 cashback in foundation one night for some bizarre reason I can't remember and ended up with £50 (putting me over my overdraft limit). woops...
I'm thinking on changing over to HSBC when I've reclaimed my fines back. I've heard of peoples accounts being closed after the reclaims. Can this mean all accounts or just the one you've claimed money from?
They could, but would be more likely to close your current acc if any. But there are recommendations from the Financial Services Authority that this is not the best course of action for banks to take. Do a search on the consumer action group for more info, and help with getting your charges back. Be warned, Barclays are letting cases go to court before they pay out. I have filed a county court claim against them and am waiting for them to file a defence at present. No-one has lost yet though, so worth a try!
Not really that shit, you can transfer all your direct debits, bills etc with one phone call apparently!
Re: Fucking barclays when i was around 17/18 i got into loads of trouble, managed to get approx 1k overdrawn on my account that never had an over draft anyway, they froze my account, when i spoke to them i asked if i could have a 1k over draft to help me sort it out, they refused, so my account was frozen until it was all paid back, which was a complete cunt at christmas (i was on £160/week before tax at the time) as soon as it was paid back i applied for an overdraft and they gave me a £1750 one