godskitchen at digital about time the north east got a long awaited return for some real dance music. alread waiting for the next line up to be announced. although i wasnt impressed with oakenfold in ibiza this year, im defo gonna be there and i wouldnt be suprised if its a sell out.
Re: godskitchen at digital because shindig, wax-on, freaky dancing, habit etc etc are all false, not forgetting junior g which must play recycled trance.
thank fuck for godskitchen and oakenfold come 8th december, the drought of decent dance music will finally be over
Fuck Oakie. Why is everyone so excited about this? Have you ever heard him recently ffs? I'll be seeing someone a bit more special the night after, aslong as he makes it up from Manc
Like I say people buying tickets cos its gods. O'birs worth seeing but not for that sort of money. I think I'll be giving this first one a miss
Im not excited about Oakie, Im disappointed about him. Im excited about the monthly event and whats in store over the coming months!
get judge jules there, hes bound to draw a crowd, and eddie woud be good but if we can get oakenfold whos price range is far from cheap - then the other major players should be coming soon snder van doorn is a must, same for marco v