Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk Something anyone with half a brain could work out for themselves (********* xxx) but it just goes to show how wrong all these people who get pissed then bang on about how they were spiked with GHB when showing practically none of the symptoms whatsoever usually are.
Hahah - ive been saying that for years on this forum, and every time i have - someone tries to come down on me for being politically uncorrect. Just goes to show, MAYBE alot of these supposed date rapes are just men and women who are using the 'i was date raped and drugged' as an excuse for their binge drinking problem. The rape side is never funny of course - but just goes to show how a popular saying/myth becomes part of our culture even though it happens to a tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of people.
Yeah I've always said it aswell, how many people who have been allegedly spiked with GHB get a test or have any experience with GHB? If you go into a none-responsive coma for a few hours then yeah there is a possibility, but if you just go into a drunken daze and slurr everynow and then I think it's safe to say you just drank too much or had an adverse reaction to the alcohol. There was some right wanker in the metro from some rape charity, saying something like "this is just another case of the police trying to place the blame off the abuser and onto the victim". errrr no they're just doing something to stop drug misinformation for once. Petes sister said she saw flying pink elephants for fucks sake, it's like the ultimate cliche.
I gotta get me some of these pink flying elephant drugs like. Maybe if i put out a bit in a sleazy bar, someone will spike me and ill get to enter this wondrous disney style world.
well yeh, if there are two drunk people who end up next morning thinking 'how did I get here' and then looking at the person next to them and thinking 'who the fuck is that' and 'oh no what did I do' that's a long way from some psychopath brutally attacking some woman in the street.
i think a lot ov people use date rape as an excuse myself like, not all ov them ov course. when i was on holiday one year there was this lass reckoned she had been spiked with date rape. we were like "fuckin hell if u had, u wouldnt b stood there tellin us now" far 2 much 2 drink.
was she waring massive gold necklaces and stripey jumpers and from liverpool, coz she was prolly saying i just nicked sum of that date rape but if she was fucking massive like a hippo it prolly didnt hav enough effect and she needed more
Re: Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk aye cos girls just colapse for no good reason then bearly have a pulse and no reaction at all when lights flashed in her eyes from 4 drinks dont be such a cock
Re: Re: Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk Hes being realistic. Loads of people say they are spiked and its clearly bull shit. People wake up after a bad night of getting too shitfaced and say "i musta been spiked" half of them can fuck off, they are too ugly to spike
Re: Re: Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk errrr unless you are going to run GCMS testing on their drinks or take blood samples I think that you have been the one making absolute statements about GHB being used to spike innocente girls (which goes against police statistics, like I said) and therefore the onus is on you to disprove the more likely situation that they simply drank too much/had an adverse reaction to alcohol/were on medication or were simply going to collapse regardless of any substances ingested. I've saw someone collapse on a bus but I didn't assume someone had spiked her starbucks with GHB, dickhead.
Nobody here being sceptical about the topic of conversation is saying they dont think rape isnt bad in the slightest - its one of the worst things a person can do to another person. This is about people using things like recreational drugs, widespread or not, as an excuse for occasions where there own lack of restraint or control when it comes to legal drugs, has gotten them into trouble. As a messageboard populated with individuals where 90% at least have very liberal attitudes to drugs - with that in mind its worth speaking up about when you see some of the states out on the streets these days using something they read in the daily mail that week as an excuse for why they got themselves into a situation they wouldnt have normally. Its all part of this 'not my fault' generation when it comes to getting in trouble - its always someone ELSES fault eh.
hahaha aye she's full of shit, if there was a drug enabling you to see flying pink elephants I'm sure I'd know
When I worked at NHSD we got a lot of calls from people saying they had been spiked. A high proportion of these went along the lines of: "I was spiked with pills and whizz".."My mates did it for a laugh".."I used to take pills, that's how I know that's what I was spiked with" and the best one ever: "I was spiked with £40 worth of whizz." Sadly it seemed many people had gone out, got wrecked, took a pill or so, felt ropey the next day and were too scared to admit they had done so, fearing the big hand of justice down the telephone.
Re: Re: Re: Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk you really are a fuckin knob do you know that
Whether the girl in question has been drugged or is just drunk, rape is still rape. However, I do think that there are some that will claim rape, with or without being drugged, when they were just too drunk to remember that they had consented, which is vile, and damages the case of those who really were raped. And just because people are saying they have been drugged when they haven't doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Police claim many 'drugged' date-rape victims simply drunk Yes but at least I'm not fucking thick.