Anyone spray painted their walls? I'm thinking of redecorating my room after christmas but I wouldn't mind using spray paint to do different layers of colour on the main wall cos plain blue really is boring.. as is any colour after a while. Will 'normal' cans of spray paint work ok? Like, will it dry and set ok and what kind of base layer will I need first?
see the complete lack of replies? no one is stupid enough to spray paint their walls. What I could suggest to liven up a boring wall would be to paint it with stripes or circles or something - its easy to do and DOESNT LOOK SHIT.
Something like this, although if I did have something in the middle it wouldn't have anything detailed like the mixer.. but the black stencil of the person is what i meant before..
That's what I was thinking.. and if you're wanting to use templates i'd imagine brushing against the edges of the tape could get some shoddy results.
I know w, he's a sound bloke anyway buy decent spray paint (theres a shop called trackside just opened in heaton)... if your doing stencils keep it basic if its your first attempt, try and keep the stencil small with large borders to catch over spray (which you'll get) blutack the stencil to the wall and do gradual/light sprays so that you avoid drips. use clear perspex which you can buy from newcastle art centre & a very sharp craft knife. If you want help with your designs, use photoshops cutout filter. practise colour schemes on pencil before you paint your walls
I'll probably fuck it up and have to convince my friends it's exactly how i'd imagined. I was going to ask what is good to use as a stencil.. n1
cut your designs in sheets of acetate with a craft knife you can use any old spray paint but for best results use a purpose made paint for things like this, go to the shop at and check out their colours cheap/bad quality paints will fade or soak away as theyre thinner, use a thick paint such as montana
go for paint splodges rather that spray; somethin like this... you wouldnt get it anythin like this but they generally look pretty fcukin gd...
Yeah, I've 4 silhouettes on circular backgrounds in my bedroom I got a friend from uni to make the stencils from acetate