Changes with Air Records

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by airrecords, Dec 22, 2006.

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  1. airrecords


    Oct 14, 2004
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    Changes with Air Records

    Changes for Air Records…..

    January brings not only a new year but a change for things at Air Records, with us moving all of our trading online. Since we opened in November 2004, on High Bridge, the shop has firmly settled into the dance music scene in Newcastle and served customers right across many genres for the last 2 and half years.

    Whilst trading with records is on an ok level, unfortunately the rent and rates scenario has forced us to rethink the way in which we operate.

    Our big city centre overheads are not getting any smaller, and with a rent review commencing in January we feel the time to delve into the internet market full time has come. As much as I would like to keep the shop open, although viable at present, I do not feel committing to another 6 year lease would be a wise decision considering the obvious changes in the music market. Neither for Air Records nor my benefit. Although notice seems very short - After months of trying to come to a future arrangement with the landlord a solution hasn’t been found and unfortunately there are no city centre property’s suitable at present. Downscaling to a cheaper location/shop may have been the answer, but at present I feel that the time is right to start a new chapter and move forward.

    As some may have noticed the online site has been along time coming, apart from wanting it to be 100% perfect, this is due to the fact that we have been deciding whether or not to trade the e-commerce side with the shop or launch as a new venture. Since I have enjoyed building Air Records up to what it is the last thing id want is to see the shop go down serious financial difficulty in future years. The idea of running the website along side with the shop just doesn’t seem possible, sensible or feasible. Some may say I’m changing before the market does go bad.

    The decision on whether to continue selling 12” vinyl or concentrate on digital downloads hasn’t been made yet, but one thing for sure, is that we will be committed to providing the good service and friendly attitude we based the shop on. What we do will certainly not be a rushed decision once the shop is shut, but will keep everyone informed on what’s happening.

    Over the years (that seems like only a few weeks), I’ve enjoyed running the shop, learning so much about new records and Best of all helping new customers with recommendations and advice. The shop has brought me much more that I ever imagined and have enjoyed combining it with my DJ work and other projects. I wanted to be as far into the dance music scene as possible, and it’s been great meeting some many new people and building relationships with the industry and customers; many of which are now good friends.

    I’d like to give a massive thank you to everyone for supporting the shop over the years, especially everyone who was involved with the opening - and hope to continue contact with everyone through our forthcoming website An online venture im really really excited about. Id would like to think its all been worth it and closed at a time where new doors can be opened…

    Many thanks again and see you on the tinterweb.

    Air Records continues to operate as a business and contact details remain the same -

    Xmas Opening Hours remain the same for trade and ticket sales, with us closing on Christmas eve at 5m then reopening again on Wednesday 27th December up until 31st Dec.

    Happy Crimbo and hope to see most of you down at Shindig NYE.

    Air Records.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Sorry to hear that Neil, it's a shame!

    All the best for the future though :up:
  4. MELT

    MELT Registered User

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Re: Changes with Air Records

    i am glad you are still going to be trading

    but totally gutted the shop is going,

    neil you should have a send off party

    ps: I will never forget the irn bru exploding incident

  5. airrecords


    Oct 14, 2004
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    Re: Re: Changes with Air Records

    yeah just changing markets with the times really,

    i do believe you are still barred from that incident :wink:
  6. Jess C

    Jess C Tookie

    May 15, 2003
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    Arr man I enjoyed stealing your drinks from the fridge and whaling on you're sofa. :(
  7. Steve_Linney

    Steve_Linney Registered User

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Bad news mate. As much as I like a store which stocks good tunes I have to admit that since getting my CDJ1000's I've not bought 12"'s for over a year and a half.

    Sign of the times. Good luck with the online site!

  8. Paul Tyson

    Paul Tyson Registered User

    May 19, 2006
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    Im the same mate. Was speaking to Neil about this not long ago. Its been months since i have bought vinyl. A year ago it was all i bought and have a huge pile of records sitting there just gathering dust. I have even sold my 1210's.

    Its sad to hear but i wish you all the best for the future mate. You have clearly worked really hard to get the business to where it is now and it wouldnt have been easy.

    Onwards and upwards in 2007 :cool2:
  9. David Gordon

    David Gordon

    Dec 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    gutted, i love that place:(

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