Got Me Day Planned as i say me day is planned out i bought a double disc dvd box set in asda the other day WEIRED SCIENCE & THE BREAKFAST CLUB £7 so i hav got me movie feast out a huge sarnie i got from the van at work (corination chicken) 2 sossage and bean melts 2 chicken bakes 1 big bag of cheesy doritos a big bottle of dilute stuff ribena strawberry bon bons and a whole host of other things
both films are fantastic - good choice i was thinking the other day, i havent seen breakfast club in years where have you got them from? were they a good price... might go invest
sounds like a better day than mine. Im going to be fucking about online for a bit, trying to find some pro anorexia message boards, I've had my bowl of porridge for the day Ill be cleaning dog shit, Cleaning the kitchen Bathroom, Front room, Hoovering, Dusting, Washing Dishwasher Blah blah blah Ill mebbies cook some teat too. IM A HOUSEWIFE AND I HATE IT WHEN I HAVE LOADS OF MONEY IM GOING TO GET A CLEANER AND TIDYER IN!!
why are you cleaning dog shit? wouldnt it be easier to just throw it away i have got a load of cleaning to do as well - i cant be arsed
was it oh bum fluff what channel? it might be on again later in the week... they seem to have the same things on 50 times a month these days