yes! yellow ted had since the day i was born....cant u tell?
hahaha! ivew seen him in a tight leaopard print top too! very suss! ;)
saw her at crasha a couple of years back! she was mint! a lot better than i expected!
not a bit OTT?
aye me yellow ted may only have one ear but he looks after me wen im alseep!
Caught In The Act i been comin home lately to find loo roll strewn across me house! now i know y.....shes usin it as a bed, bless her!
Re: Re: amazin storys........... woooooohoooooooo! im gunna come find u at the next after party! hehe!
dunno y but the names familiar.......maybe ive taken her piccy?
amazin storys........... innit wikid wen ppl tell u the freakiest storys at after parties? it ALWAYS happens........talkin bowt pyramids,...
horible, horible, horible............not one person.......not even a little bit deed......:( .................bte.........im i thick, but who...
i been readin up on it quite a bit, its dead interestin.........some ppl beleive its the start of astral projection....some ppl get it but 'jump...
auw poor scooby! i never move around to scare me cats tho, they all sleep around me wen im on me own like theyr pretectin me or summat! cute!
really really scarey aint it! but i still gettin it even wen i had me break from clubbin etc.........do get mad wooshy buzzin sounds goin thro...
sleep paralysis...ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz! was just wonderin if any1 esle suffers from this? apparently its brought on by changin sleep patterns,...
innit!:D i go in a lil dream world...its mint!
sony are dead comfy n dont fall off me head like most do! hehe! and they sound fine too i aint really tried a lot of others tho:cool:
:o haha
probs nowt, coz if they on here then they like this muzik, so wont be in2 that sort of fing......if im makin any sense at all? its been a long...
argh! didnt see this n nearly started a nu fred! happy bday!
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