PROMISE!! So you been goin to promise long?? ive been goin for about 6 months but dont go every week as my mates wont!! poo ehh!! wanna be a...
U c me? So did u c me on fri? had the trashed t-shirt on!! was aswell by the way! got home at 6 on sat night and slept til today!!!!long long...
LURVELY!!!!! If thats a bad pic then i wud luv to see a gud 1!! look spiffing to me!! Lab 4 will be wild and banging next week!! hope i can...
HOT DOG! think i talked to u? i had a t-shirt on sayin "trashed" i cant rememba much of the night at all except that it was wild! can any1...
LIGHTNIN I neva noticed that lightning stuff either!! its not normally there tho! i know that much!!!:spangled:
TOO RIGHT! she was canny a smart lookin lass tho!! shame she was a fruitcake!! is ur t-shirt camouflage? u see me there? i ended up with that...
SHE WAS! She was actually mate!! how u know??
THAT BIRD!! Aye mate, went bak to hers. she was into her RnB and had made a song! was gud like but she was in love with herself!!was saying she...
YES! Yeah thatwas me!! so how u get them on??:)
FUZZY BRUSH!! Fuzzy brushes are like little toothbrushes that u chew and they have a powder stuff on them that freshens ur breath! get them...
GUD PICS!! Like the pics mate!! didnt get home til 6 on sat night after a few partys!! trying to remember who the lass whos house we went back to...
GET IN!! I had an interview today and the three blokes doing it were all mackems!! they asked me at the end if i was black and white, so i nicely...
AGREE!! Minus 10 points to jules for this, there is no need for singing!!!!!! its nearly as bad as the disgrace that happened to airwave!! with...
GARDEN!! Do the poddington peas live at the bottom of your garden? remember them?? wonder where they have gone? lovely garden by the way!!:)
IKON!! Marks right about ikon bein an amazin venue!! eva seen it with fire-eaters (etc)? its amazin, just a shame about the music!! half the...
THE BOAT!! bein from newcastle i always used to go to ikon when i was a young un and stil do on the odd sat as sum of my mates stil go!! trying...
Separate names with a comma.