to shindig?? nooo i dont think we ever went to shindig. We were the first to venture out in newcastle in cyber though i think. We got a few funny...
get yourself to India and nowhere is expensive to go and see tigers. Only thing is the only time you get to see any is in the time when...
I got 3 cards, a big basket of pampering stuff, some stretch mark cream and a box of chocolates. All anonymous from my unborn child with 3...
Jimmy...make sure you go on the visit to the maternity ward. The midwives are absolutely determined to get everyone high on laughing...
Boys names are really hard to pick! I have got 2 that i'm mulling over at the minute. I always said gareth could pick the boys names and then I...
its empty now
i'm trailer trash...what do you think :D
I meant that twins are full term quicker :p
shhhhhh I know that and you know that but i'm sure this lot didn't know that ;)
The baby race! Just found out that mine and Jimmy are both expecting to be parents on the same day! :D Who wants to open a book? 19th...
me??? hardly....i looked after their starving orphans and burnt to a crisp wives....its the "high chaste indians working in call centres.....didnt...
Re: Re: Re: People who piss you off! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH thats another thing i'm sick of hearing.....yes ive joined the...
and NHS patients that think it's 1 nurse per patient and the whole place has gone to the dogs just because cutting up their fish fingerrs takes...
oh and add to that the charvers who turn up to ante natal classes with absolutely no regard for their unborn childrne or anyone else by going...
Re: People who piss you off! call centres. This sounds sad but i started a tally yesterday on how many calls i get from call centres a...
there was a few sikh kids in my english evening classes in India. They were always getting bullied. The other kids managed to gather up enough...
sorry to be a party pooper but it wasn't was made for a laugh to show at a staff party or sumat :D
sorry i couldnt resist
Get about 5 at once...go to the back door of the maternity ward at north tyneside general....lots of smoking mothers with big bumps!
Get pregnant....the smell will revolt you and you will find yourself fast becoming an "anti smoking in public" campaigner because you get angry at...
Separate names with a comma.