Last week wasn't that good :down: Week before was the best Smile I've ever been to :up: So I don't know whether to go tonight :rolleyes:
Ohhhh, so that was *you*! Wondered who this guy was taking a photo of us, Smog was like "You'll be on the internet!" But like, I was already...
He left it go collect the alcohol. Then he sat down again, and I didn't see him move from it again. Oh wait, he got up when me & Jill...
late happy birthday! :D If you don't want people to know your age, you shouldn't put your date of birth in your profile. *cough*26*cough* ;)
:lol: I forgot about that!!!! Me with my wet £5 note! I don't know why it was wet, it was change from the bar in Foundation, and it had been in my...
Don't if you use AOL to get online!! I found it to be quite nice, it seemed to make Windows a tad more efficient! However (dum dum...
Wanted: Cheap Flat-Screen Monitor OK, so Google, as good as it is, didn't really bring anything helpful up, so you guys can help me! Where can...
I'm planning to do it next year! I've wanted to do it the past 2 years but each time I go to apply I'm too late! You have to apply in like...
It's like their version of Dixons or PC World I guess, it's called "Best Buy" ( ). They're all over the place, and...
Cool :up: Though I think I should be fine with what I've got, not planning to go into the Professional Stalking business yet Lee ;)
:lol: OK, I know I believe you! I'll change the comment on the album now....:rolleyes: :p
4million? Well, mine *was* the cheapest digital camera in that store I went to :rolleyes: Yeah I spoke to him for like 10 seconds before...
:rolleyes: Yeah yeah, she looked a bit shocked when you grabbed her though :lol:
He stood right infront of me staring at me. It took me a full minute until I went ":o CHRIS?!" :lol:
I know :)
:lol: I can't wait to see that one!! :D you're a heavy bitch though! :o
But then, it wouldn't be as special if you lived there all the time. Guess you could look at it that way? ;)
Never really looked at how many pixels, but just checked the manual now - 3,200,000. Is that good? :confused: I can also take little 15-second...
I spotted you and Miller at the start of the night and figured I'd say Hi later. Saw Miller outside the toilets :lol: but then you 2 disappeared...
Cheers :up: Camera + 32MB memory card, and also a 128MB memory card, from a cheap store in America was $210. About £120-ish, bargain!!
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