few months off college/work spot of counselling some scars and a knackered back 9k compo could have been worse
A lot of the big names associated with her have come out and said they still support her.. Although it's not acceptable she does trade on the...
hey why let the beautician take all the credit?!
Erm, I can see how thinning the forest out may allow for better picnics, but in the end there's gotta be some technique involved an' all
The answer to which of course, is 42.
Based on that I'm gonna start negotiations when he gets in from work
I don't she's minted
aahhh he'll read it all next time he's on here, I'll be on washing up duty for a month :lol: It stung rather than hurt but I have had some...
think I will need written permission from wor lad, and he's at work.. shame
Brazillian Waxes After months of humming and haaaing, finally had one done tonight. Really doesn't hurt that much TBH. Results are pleasing...
don't think I've read that one but sure I have heard it on the radio at some point. Are the others Hitcherhikers Guide, Restuarant at the End...
There's been a few times in my youth I've driven the length of the country after an all night festie and copious amounts of whatever and been...
OOooh where? All at once? Surely there's some humane society for Djs that should intervene, severe deck overcrowding
Re: Amsterdam....help? check the id & t website, www.id-t.com or possibly .nl. they run a lot of the main dance events over there,...
Jeff Noon writes some trippy stuff, set in future Madchester. I also like Chuck Palanuik, wrote Fight Club and lots of other really dark things..
The journo who got that story must have been pissed for three days.. The papers lawyers however probs haven't stopped sweating since!
Kate Moss in The Mirror (allegedly) stuffing chico chico up her snoz WITH A £5 NOTE!!! Shame on you Miss Moss!! A fiver? That's...
I'm meeting my Mam to go shopping! At 5am?? I find best thing to do is wait 'til they go to the loo then ring them a taxi, advise them on...
Trance Energy Me and the boy fancied this coz his birthday is in Dec but no dates as yet on the ID&T website. Dutch festies are the way...
unless she falls asleep cuddling you, in which case you have to knaw your own arm off! we've all been there, stealth escapes at 5am then...
Separate names with a comma.