Nice 1 - will giv it a whirl
Uni's a blast anyways regardless of the debt! Not as static as my last mix with more melody involved :neon: :rainbow:
Probably around £115, if the rate of increase does not amplify
Urghh that rank mate, ha ha
For someone finishing uni with a first, still young and a first job and chance in the real world, 40k is a good start, and can't expect much more...
I started payin mine back when start earning over 15k per year. My loan was 13k when leaving, and now pay around £70 per month 2wards it
Gud stuff - will check out wen get chance
aye its a lot like - worth it but still be nice if they reduced it to nearer the tenner mark - after you have paid ticket fees £16.80
3 Tickets sorted - can't wait - the Dig has something special about it
That title sounds familiar, ha. Not had a chance to listen yet m8 but will download into my trance folder when get chance, as looks well...
Can't believe they are ringing friends & family for advice on what to pick - as if someone who is not even watching the event will know any better
What a load of rubbish - the majority of the UK will be tuned into a show more mindless than that pick the box game. They are making more money...
Great stuff! Lookin 4ward 2 it
Finally...they communicate with the fans who pay their wages. Has to be a plus point, and some of it does make sense. But if this is a smoke...
Good to hear your back for a while. The hardest thing will be getting a 3-month contract as minimum is normally 6-month. As long as you explain...
Is this tickets on door/advance and cost? Thanks
Any advice on what application to choose considering I am trying this out for the first time, and don't have keyboards, synths, etc. I will be...
Markus Schulz is right up there for me - his ASOT 500 sets were unreal. Can't stand Aly & Fila tho
Great night - lawler could have picked the place up a bit more though - was quite mundane considering - you can only go so far with a tribal drums...
Separate names with a comma.