Hello! Well hello there strangers! i know most of you probs wont remember me coz i havent been to promise for so long :( nd a lot of you didnt...
i know the feeling. im well up for a groove tonight, but unfortunately could not afford the £50 ticket nd £25 bus. maybe next year! xxx
All By Myself! im wondering why im all by myself. nd then i look at the time, and realise big bro is on. OMG! how good is it?! gotta go...
aww, philly, bless ya! and i have to agree with who ever said davy mcdaid and phily - rights is that true!
well, i ahte to go against the flow of everybody's thoughts (maybe was because i wasnt there last week, and last time i was i had one of my best...
well, i wasnt there on firday (too busy having my fone nicked and spending 3hours in A+E with my head of year, a m8 who drank too much at my...
this friday, i is going to a fancy dress party beforehand. two probs: a) i have no idea what to go as (it has to be a filmstar) and b) i have...
yes, thank you bananaman for pointing out that i did in fact mean shall i wear my dress to promise, rather than the ball! and louhardcore, probs a...
the question is, should i wear my ball dress to the ball?! think prob not coz it cost £150, but would be quite humourous on the night. pointless...
36 % - too good to be true apparently! apparently i appear sweet and innocent on the outside, but inside there's a devil trying to get out. how...
OMG!!! soooo didnt rea;lise there was like 12 pages to the thread - im not gonna bother reading anymore its not as tho anyone will have said...
I DO I DO I DO! In fact, im munching grapes as i speak. just nearing the end of a really nice large bunch of red ones - mmmmm! (oh, and i love...
well, i is getting some from my local petrol station! (a small ickle village called heddon - heard of it? it's where foot and mouth started. i...
oh, and yes, I LOVE KENDAL MINT CAKE!!!!!!!
ok, that;s decided then. i shall bring bars of kendal mint cake instead of actual cake. dont know how i is gonna afford it, but hey, i'll think of...
certainly! it comes in bar form, and looks a bit marbly in appearance (just a bit). it's not cake at all, and is quite hard. if u suck it it goes...
i is wearin that <---------- but with white pants, and a little bit of fluorescent body paint stuff as per. and stu, OMG, soooo cant...
i'll bring u some kendal mint cake, as long as if u either bring me some, or i can have a nibble of yours! i have a little bit of a passion for...
i aint tried the new bubble gum ones, or the chew ones. i think i will have to invest in some before i can make an informed decision in the poll!...
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