The greatest invention of all time is indeed the North Tyneside Council Wheelybin! great 4... ...de-railing trains ...giving m8s a ride...
there u go chief...
Re: Do u look like a celeb? ...or not! *just remembered u know who this is* :p
Do u look like a celeb? do any of u think u look like a celeb if ya do stick a piccy up of the celeb and let me decide! me of course i look like...
lol :p *turns eyes to computer behind* u do have more than a passing resemblence to micki's wrestling hero!
I tinks dis is de most originalist ov all names! very clever when u say it as one ellisdee = lsd!
da speed is da key, to all our nrg! we got da sound, we da the beat, we got da lsd! two step is for nancy bwoys!
this bwoy aint bad for trance-former!
da speed garage is most defunutly da best! I is CLARKi's blacka dan black alter-ego! trippin man SELECTA!
I's would like to take a minute of ja time 2 reveal da tru identity of the LSD (as if u didnt know)
Is u trippin Mr T is da greatest factional boxer of da universe!
I knows u's but u's dont knows me!
Big up da tate man! oh holdup u is friends wif dem wankas Micki n Clarki! fuck U2!
Re: FAO MARK-Badboy DJ's u white bwoys aint no Dj's u aint fit scratch me balls never mind a choon!
atleast i's will get marryed,u ugly buttyboy!
y is dissin me religion u dont see me dissing da jesus man!
is it cos im black
i aint gay ne way u sucked off n 'orse!
Ello Cheeky I's been doin me homewerk on dis mc vypa, j'all reckon is me brovva! n look wot i finds J lo wit da blonde hair! I 'as a Cortina n...
Separate names with a comma.