Happy birthday:D better l8 than never hope u had\hav a gud un... x luv jewelz+akira:D :D :D
I LOVE IT!!!:D :D :D better than sex... then again:rolleyes: :confused::D ... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... well as long as its hard who gives...
THAT'S MY FUTURE WIFE!!! stop ur bitchin:D shes lovely in every sense!;) P.S.Vin Diesels my future hubby... HE SED YES!!!:D :o :D...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 THE TERRIBLE THREESOME... SHIT... I MEANT TWOSOME... :o hehehe...just jokin babes BIG MWAH 4 U 2!!!:D lots of :love:...
poop. now you all know what im like after 2 bottles of wine with jewelz! *rollseyes* [/B] hehehe...shal we c the other pics?!:D i wont... ;)
:rolleyes: damn you blokies u'v got it easy...:p
KINKY!!!:o :D :D :D
Lee ur tattoos r class... BUT SHAVE\WAX the bak!!!:o :rolleyes: :D
Re: interesting things... just a wrd ov warnin 4 all ov u ann summers lovers!!! if u purchased a rampant rabbit recently DONT USE IT!!!...
Re: yeah right!!! CHEEKY :monkey: :p + i cud stop...if i wanted 2...but i dont...so...:p :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! have a good 1 lots o birthday hugs+kisses jewelz+akira xxx:D ps drink lots o vodka;) :D
Ah bless!:( Hope u get well soon:D ... if its any consolation im on antibiotics 2...+cant drink 4 10days!!!:cry: Hold on a mo...U'V DISEASED...
Ah thanx hon:) x was gud meetin u n al! shame u didnt cum up 4 air 2 talk:rolleyes: :D just jestin x:D ;) :groovy:
ah bless ya hon:) we woz canny worried...til we realised the obvious!!!:rolleyes: :lol:
Cogan al i hav 2 say is wer did u go?! wel thats obvious...but let peeps kno nxt time...we'd al thought u wer lost @ spar!:D +im ded happy 4 u...
Nice 1 hon:D hope u enjoy it!!!:D
:D u cheeky little charva!!!:D thats sooooooooo funny hon but dont expect me 2 tel u how class u r 2:rolleyes: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i've been scorin wit him...im so obsessed i put him on my sig... wot do u think??? HOW FIT!!!:D :p
SOZ 2 use this thread...just tryin 2 sort my sig pic out+it does look a bit like u...:D
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