:lol: :lol: :lol:
Where did I make a joke!?!??!?! I used offensive language to prove a fucking point, it wasn't a joke! This board is full of nazi's since its...
Do you honestly believe I call asians paki's and blacks wogs?!?!?!? For fucks sake I march with the ANL and I'm a strong supporter of TWAFA, I...
nope you got the right tree :up:
hi hotcakes :love:
*bangs head off wall* its me sweety :love:
lol, twafa will throw me out if word hits the street ;)
happy birthday young un. Joseph
FAO The Trigger Happy Webnazi Dear Mr. Rob I would like to ask which rule I broke, was it using racist language? Surely it is no different to...
amazing film from japans golden boy :D one to ste the recorders for. Joe
Dirty girl! :lol: :lol: :lol: Now I'm gonna just seem wierd!
Well done! :love:
Leave my father out of this!! :o I think I've been reading to much Freud today!! :spangled:
Of course I did! Only 15 minutes late...I call that fashionably late! :D I then preceded to wet my pants, literary theory is seriously funny!!!...
About bloomin' time...Newcastle has a ridiculous lack of decent shops! but I think I'll still stick to London :p
This board never changes...
Happy Birthday chuckle :love:
What? A girl needs her sleep! :p
In 2 weeks unless I find myself an indian husband...I want to have children this beautiful!! :love: Off to Goa today! :cool: mmm beaches!!
Separate names with a comma.